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I have the same problem. My whole life I've had an abundance of guy friends but very, very few female friends. I didn't have a female "best friend" until 7th grade and she turned out to be gay so does that even count? heh.

In high school I had my aforementioned (and still my current) best friend and 2 other female friends, and that's how it remains today (one of those female friends I broke up with for about 6 years, but we've just recently become friends again). I haven't made any new female friends since high school (10 years!) but have no problem making guy friends.

I tend to always get along with male co-workers and bosses and tend to despise female co-workers and bosses. Growing up I got along with my dad FAR better than my mother...my relationships with women have been so weird that I was seriously worried about having a daughter, but obviously I couldn't be happier about that now. I just hope our relationship doesn't get difficult when she hits puberty!

Now, internet women, I have no problem getting along with, go figure. hmm...

I'm sorry, that sucks!! Need to go through and catch up on your blog- how are you liking typepad?

Hang in there!!! Hugs to you!

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