I started the Booga Bag last night with some of the yarn Jake bought me for my birthday. There was a certain lack of sunshine by the time I got home last night so I still haven't taken photos. The photo to the left is from the pattern - mine will be a pretty mottle of blue, black and brown.
I've never felted before so I'm pretty excited. I've got 60 rows to knit and I'd really like to finish it, get it felted and block it to dry tonight so that I can carry it to London this weekend. I don't see that happening and it doesn't match my dress so I'd only be carrying it if we changed when we go out after the wedding on Saturday so...no pressure, I guess. I would like to get it finished and blocked by the time I leave, though, so there's no conscious waiting around for it to dry. I'm very much like that little kid in the Disneyworld commercial: "I'm too excited to sleep/wait for my purse to dry!"*
It's nice to try something new - like the gloves (they're on vacay until I finish the bag...thumbs, shudder). I can pick up stitches now - hooray! After learning the basics, I got intimidated. If it wasn't knitting straight, back and forth, or knitting in the round, I wasn't going to try it. Sure, I could increase and decrease but beyond that...I was afraid...but I'm finding now that some of the techniques aren't that hard. Seriously, I'm trying socks next. Well, after I make one more felted bag. If you join Go Get Your Smock, they'll send you a cute pattern for their Trinket Bag. Finally a use for the jade disc that my dad brought back for me from China a couple of years ago! It's very much like the Booga Bag with the exception of a trinket closure and its size but the instructions are great for a first felting project. Heck, I used it to figure out how to make i-cord (I really thought it would be harder to make than it was) - that's how novice I am - and I'll use it to felt the Booga Bag, as well.
*Has anyone seen the latest Mastercard "Priceless" commercial with the three grade school kids dancing to "We've Got the Funk"? I guess it's been out for a few months but I saw it for the first time last night (a half dozen times and I still love it). Gah, it's so cute!