My Noro Kureyon yarn just arrived so tonight I can start on these Kolenyas - a pattern found via Ravelry (again, I cannot say enough about Ravelry). Since the Jayne Hat turned out so well, I decided to continue my journey into Knitting Things That Aren't Knitting and Purling the Same Amount of Stitches Row After Row on Straight Needles. This doesn't look like it'll be too difficult but it'll still be a challenge. The thumb scares me.
If this works out I might attempt a very simple sock pattern next. Gasp!
This was also my first Internet Yarn Purchase (insert heavenly music here)- unless you count the Jayne kit, of course. I ordered from The Knitting Garden and was pleased with the service and the time it took foy the yarn to arrive. My next yarn purchase either be for more Jayne Hat yarn or for Knitty's Mrs. Beeton's which are so cute. Or maybe both...I'm definitely ordering my yarn smarter next time since I paid nearly half as much as the yarn itself for shipping. Anyway, all this just to come to the following point: now I understand how easy it is to become addicted to ordering yarn.