Why is it I find all sorts of things I want to take photos of when I don't have a camera? Sunday night I spotted a beautiful yellow and orange moth on my rear window as I was pumping gas (moments after I'd discovered I'd left my camera in Jake's pocket) then there's my thumbless fingerless glove, the unbelievabley gorgeous chopsticks my dad brought back from China for my birthday and today - my pretty red nails. I stopped biting them again and decided last night they were long enough for a homemade manicure.
Jake leaves for Kanasas out of Columbus (an hour or so away) at six-thirty tomorrow night and flies back into Columbus at ten-thirty Sunday night. He couldn't possibly miss more of my birthday weekend but the pity party is, indeed, over. So I'm going with the plan I came up with Monday night. I have a couple of Netflix movies queued up to arrive tomorrow including Perfume with Alan Rickman (if I can't spend the evening before my birthday with my boyfriend, I'd say Mr. Rickman is a very close second choice...although I'd also take Alton Brown if anyone was offering). Saturday night is going to be take out chicken wings and dvds and Sunday morning is going to be spent around the pool with mimosas until a.) the complex kids show up or b.) it's time to get ready for my parents to pick me up to go to the German Picnic.
The following two weekends are packed with a wedding in London, Ontario next weekend and the AleFest the following weekend (I'm going to take lots of pictures this year)...maybe I'll just postpone my birthday until September.