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Chrissy Hynde is a hero. And Billy Connolly is a bit of a favorite, too. Have you seen "Mrs. Brown"?

Yeah, let's send this guy to prison for 60 years, fine him $250,000 (seriously, how do you get that back when the rspeon is in prison?) and let him die. Uggg, It would seem that the more utilitarian approach would be to ask him for his input regarding our security systems and to use his feedback to make the system more secure. This is why the hackers' will always be ahead of the corporations/government. Instead of getting over their ego, acknowledging the rspeons skill, and asking for their input they instead pump their chest, engage in a size contest, and state they win because they have the power to prosecute and fine.I hope this comes back to bite the U.S. government right in the butt. Maybe in a couple years another hacker with actual wicked intent will exploit the DoD system in a way that could have been prevented had they worked with McKinnon to properly secure the system.Luckily now that Obama holds the Nobel Peace Prize he could not in good conscience let this rspeon go to jail.

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