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Coincidentally... there has been a lot of talk at my office about anti-depressants and how good they ae for some people. Also, my nephew just bought that Clean & Clear stuff yesterday, so I'll be curious to see how his Missy & Brianna live on.

i take lexapro for an antidepressant. generally, i am a happy , care-free type of person, but as we get older, life changes and reality is not always a pleasant thing. my point is, i understand and applaud you for talking about it. i know that we do not know eachother, but if you need to vent, feel free to email me. good luck.

Matt takes Zoloft & Wellbutrin, but for anxiety. He used to have terrible panic attacks. But his mom is really not understanding about it. She is always telling him he needs to "deal with life" and stop "avoiding his problems" by "popping pills" Uh, yeeeahhh. That's totally what he's doing, avoiding all his problems with his happy drugs. God forbid he not want to end up in the hospital with a crippling panic attack...I think people from that generation though just don't get it...It's only been in the last 15 years-20 years that we've understood how common chemical imbalances are, I can't understand why anyone would stigmatize it these days, but whatever.

Anti-depressants? Just took my two for the day. Nothing wrong with that.

It is interesting people's reaction. My best friend was concerned but saw no ill effects. Another person who was biased against them was shocked as I had none of the "symptoms" he associated with being on them.

I took my happy pill today (that's what I call them).

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