Downer: This afternoon sucked. Sprint charged my debit account twice for a payment I made on Sunday. The fourth person I talked to about it today gave me some random fax number to send my bank statement to and told me it would take ten to fifteen days.
Upper: I threatened to cancel my account and was transferred to another customer service rep who guaranteed the funds would be back in my account within 48 hours and also credited me thirty-five extra dollars. Oh, and she also told me I was fun to talk to.
Upper: I spent an hour cleaning my craft room and it looks a million times better.
Downer: It's not finished and I own a lot of junk.
Upper: House was really good - I'm excited about the new team.
Downer: No new episodes until after the first of the year.
What else? Oh, I still haven't finished putting up the Christmas decorations. Meh.