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You know I'm there for ya babe!

Oh Emily - I've only seen you the way you are now, but lady, I think you're super cute! however, I understand the weird feeling you get when you realize someone hasn't seen you in years. For as many times as I tell myself I'm ok with the way I look, there are just as many when I realize how terrified I am at the idea of seeing people I haven't seen in the past 4 years or so - I've just gotten so chunky monkey since then!

Oh, and older men - especially ones with beards, and especially ones who wear hats - really rock my boat too!

The fact that you know, that you can recognize, is such a monumental achievement. So much damage can be done before people figure things like this out. You'll make it. You will.

And, aside from the beret, I think I have a crush on this man, too!! HOORAY FOR HANDS. . .

Only a part of your life is on hold - where you live. Nothing else. Everything else - do, go, buy, see, play.

I agree with Chris, you are super cute. Always. Never seen you anything else but cute. And witty. And clever with a crochet hook.

Emily, I so feel for you. I know we have only been blod buddies, but I feel like we have a connection and I totally know how you feel.

Your post was so beautifully written, it brought tears to my eyes. I am going through the same thing and I have avoided a lot of people because I have the same problem, I don't care.

The best part is that you recognize and want to make an attempt to change it for yourself.

You are so so talented and way cute, take care of yourself.

P.S. (I know you love these) My man is 15 years older than me. I know about the older guy thing! LOL!

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