I take two crazy pills* a day. Well, I take one - the other I've recently gotten out of the habit of taking but I really need to make the effort again. I take Wellbutrin in the morning and Celexa at bedtime when I remember. I started out taking just the Celexa about a year or so ago but it made me amazingly sleepy. I'd have trouble staying awake throughout the day and would take two hour naps when I got home from work. My doctor added Wellbutrin to the mix to fix the sleepyheadedness.
I've been taking it long enough now that I can't remember exactly what I felt like before but I do know there's a difference. I am a happier person. I laugh at the letters PMS or PMDD - ha ha ha!
The reactions I get from others concerning the fact that I take antidepressants interest me. When I first started talking them, my mom pretty much came out and said she didn't think it was a good idea for me to tell anyone about it. Right. I've had a blog for a bazillion years - I'm not one for secrets, Mom. Besides, if depression is hereditary, it came from her side of the family. Her mother took something for awhile (and shouldn't have stopped). My very favorite reaction came from Dustin, whom I was dating at the time. He didn't like the idea of me taking anything because one side effect is a possible lowered libido. He suggested that I try something else first. There was another reason he should have been much more worried about. After taking the pills for awhile, I realized that he was part of my problem and broke off the relationship.
But I digress. I had trouble with the idea of taking a pill at first, too, but wanted to talk about it rather than hide it. I wasn't sure I wanted to be dependent on medication to be happy and I really didn't want to take another pill. I got over that pretty quickly, though - it didn't take long for me to really feel how much better my life could be. And, oddly enough, most people I talked to about it were either currently taking something themselves or they had in the past.
I do still get the occasional unsure reaction - although they're rare. It's hard to find the words to let someone know that I'm okay. It's difficult to tell them that this depression isn't something I can cure with mind over matter or a better outlook on life. It's not just a Bad Day. I'm a generally happy person but this was out of my hands. I won't take it forever, I hope, but I'm a better person for it and I'm not ashamed.
And there is a reason for this post. I had an unfavorable reaction today that turned into something very positive and it just got me thinking.
Anyway, enough of that.
Recommendation One: Fur. What an amazing, sensual, thought provoking film. From the story to the sets and costumes - just beautiful. And I won't give the reason this is odd (just go rent the movie) but I think this was Robert Downey, Jr.'s sexiest role. Absolutely amazing.
Recommendation Two: Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment. This stuff is amazing. Seriously. I almost wish I'd taken a before photo. Matt and Brian are certainly not as glaringly noticeable as they were yesterday. I fully expect them to pack their bags and head out for good by morning.
And, just to make this a little crafty: I finished one knitted Christmas gift today! Two maybe three to go!
Oh, and there was a typo on my list - number twelve: Take a vacation (longer than a weekend) now financed by my parents. Um, yeah, that should have read, "Take a vacation (longer than a weekend) not financed by my parents." That makes MUCH more sense!
*Not meant to offend for those out there who might take an antidepressant. It's just what I call them to lighten the mood and make it a little funny.