A few weeks ago I went over to my granny's house to drop off some reunion photos and found this growing in their front yard: a sunflower about nine or ten feet tall with leaves and big as Andre the Giant's head - and only one bloom at the very tippy top.
Last night Jake and I went to my parents' house for a little dinner for Granny's seventy-eighth birthday. When we arrived we found that Granny and her husband Millard had brought the sunflower itself.
It's massive! My aunt had said that they had one at the county fair a few weekends ago but it wasn't near as large as this one .
And, for fun, here's the most recent addition to the Jake & Emily Series. I really like this one.
I love that it was cool enough to wear a jacket last night. I think I'm ready to blow kisses to summer and throw my arms around fall like a lover I've missed very much. I think this was urged on by my discovery of the October issue of Living. Egads, there's a cover on both sides: on one Martha is made up as a goddess, on the other she's a vampire. Awesome. The October issue is my favorite (with December a close runner up of course). And her Halloween book, a collection of ideas from past issues, is one of my favorite books. I absolutely love Halloween!