At some point this weekend I really did start a post - a whole three or four paragraphs, actually - but I hit the wrong key and...gone. I have bad blogluck. My goal for the week is to pick up a wireless adapter so I can use my own damned computer.
This weekend was a brilliant combination of alone time, girl time and email time. Ginny and I did a bit of shopping on Friday night - it's been ages since I went clothes shopping with a girl who wasn't my mom.
Then we hit a rummage sale Saturday morning where I came home with loads of crochet and knitting magazines from the forties and fifties as well as some fabric and hooks. I'll have to take pictures at some point because some of the styles in the magazines are crazy. I have to admit, though, I did find a couple of things I wanted to make that fit with the whole seventies kitsch thing I want going on in my next pad. Groovy.
And lots and lots of emailing with Matt. :-)
I got my hair did right before Ginny, Lisa and I went out of our Thursday girls night so here's a gratuitous faux-hawk shot:
And Ginny has a terribly terrific shot of Tom - a man at the bar I chatted with and then I took pity on and invited back to our table after he wistfully glanced that way and said, "You guys are sitting over there, right?"
I need to take some advice from Pam Beasley: "I have decided that I'm going to be more honest. I'm gonna start telling people what I want, directly. So, look out world, 'cuz 'ol Pamy is gettin' what she wants. And, don't call me Pamy."
And no, you can't come back to our table. It was kind of funny, though.
Sigh, I fear that I have moved to SquareSpace and lost my blogging mojo. I'm kind of not feeling it for some reason and it's kind if a struggle to come up with things to post about. Sigh. Weird.